
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Scaffold-Blasting" - Differentiate on the Fly in Google Classroom

Being able to differentiate assignments in Google Classroom is an oft-requested feature. We know that differentiation done well is one path to creating an equitable learning environment for all of our students.

Currently, there are work-arounds such as attaching multiple versions of a google doc and directing students on which assignment to choose or using a google sheet add-on such as Doctopus to manage the differentiation. But like most work-arounds, those choices come with an added layer of complexity for the teacher and/or the student.

How about a solution that's quick, easy, and most importantly, instantly responsive to the student's needs in the moment?

Erich Ball, Social Studies teacher at Aurora Hills Middle School, came up with a method he has termed "Scaffold-Blasting."

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hour of Code

Looking for a great way to engage your students?

Consider participating in the Hour of Code. This event is held during the Computer Science Education week, December 7-13, 2015. This event for students of all ages, even four year-olds.

To join over tens of millions of students from over 180 countries, click on the Hour of Code Link and sign up. You and your students can view a map of all the locations that are participating. Check out the Hour of Code guides, handouts, posters, videos, and other Teacher Resources

The site provides one-hour tutorials at all different levels. The tutorials range beginning with Frozen to advanced JavaScript and Robotics. There will be something to fit the needs of each of your students. Students can even participate without computers.

In the spirit of the forthcoming Star Wars movie, has also created two apps one for 11 and younger and one for over 11. Minecraft has also joined the Hour of Code. Read this blog for details. Minecraft and the Hour of Code.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Great Professional Learning Opportunity

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is coming to Denver next summer. This event is one of the largest and most popular professional learning experiences in the world when it comes to technology in education.  It's time to start thinking about your registration and plans to attend now so you can get the most out of this experience.  Registration for the 2016 conference in Denver, CO. opened yesterday so you can get set up at anytime.  If you're interested in attending this world class professional learning event, you'll find all the details below.