
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Padlet for Instruction

Want to increase creative and innovative practices in your instruction?  Check out this great free tool called Padlet.  Padlet is an incredibly easy, web-based tool that teachers can use for free in any instructional environment.  Padlet offers a platform where teachers and students can post information, ideas, or create projects.  The basic structure of Padlet is a digital "wall" where anyone who has the URL for that "wall" can post based on the settings.  If you're looking to enhance creativity and innovative practices in your instruction, consider using Padlet as an instructional tool. Click HERE to check it out now or watch this quick video that showcases some of Padlet's features for instruction.

Posts on the wall can take the form of text, images, web-cam captures, and URL's. One of the best features of Padlet is that it offers a digital space for collaboration that is easily and quickly shared among users.  

All Padlet walls are completely customizable and can be modified to display creative touches that capture attention.  Students can demonstrate their creativity and innovative learning in a variety of ways on any device when connected to the internet.

Padlet has a variety of set up features that make it easy to use for instruction.  Teachers are using Padlet as a digital collaboration space for students, class warm-ups for easy access and collaboration, digital timelines, collaborative projects, digital learning portfolios, and more.  If you're interested in using Padlet in your instruction and would like more information or support, contact your APS EdTech Coach at anytime.

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