
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Untether Yourself From Your Whiteboard!

If you routinely project work/lessons/interactive websites for students (whether on a Promethean board or just a screen), you know the frustration of having to be tethered to the board or to your keyboard. With an iPad and an app called doceri, that frustration is gone forever!

Doceri installs on both your iPad and the computer attached to the projector. Once that is done, the two devices connect, and your computer screen is then mirrored on the iPad, giving you control of your computer from anywhere in the room.

There are other apps that do this -but doceri is the app that gives you powerful teaching tools such as annotation capability, custom papers, and even the ability to voice record your annotations to create a video students can watch if they are absent or need to watch a lesson again.

Doceri also lets you take pictures of student work and project them, annotate them - even take a picture of two different student solutions to a problem and compare, whole class.

Take a look at what a few teachers have said:

If you have an iPad, a computer, and a class full of students, you need this!

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